Psychic & Mediumistic Readings

I am a psychic medium. People contact me for a reading for many reasons. Some may just want to experience a reading, and do not have preferences as to whether it be psychic or mediumistic. Others have specific life issues, and are looking for helpful guidance “psychically”. Others will contact me for my natural ability to connect with someone who has passed, which is a mediumistic reading. Here is how I can explain to you the difference between the two types of readings:

If you are looking for guidance about your life, such as career, relationships, spiritual growth, etc., then you are requesting a psychic reading. I will connect with you “energetically”, by working with your aura, which contains information about you, your past, your present and your future. It is my spirit in my body connecting with your spirit in your body. You may receive guidance “psychically” that will help you to make some decisions in your life. My intention is to bring awareness where needed, and provide you with the best and highest guidance to help you move forward from current obstacles in your life. You will always have free will to make choices based upon what guidance you are receiving. Nothing is ever “set in stone”.

If you are looking to connect with someone who has passed, then you are requesting a mediumistic reading. I will raise my vibration, as those in the spirit world will lower their vibration on a frequency level to make the connection possible. It is my spirit in my body connecting with a spirit that no longer has a physical body. I will be connecting to those who have passed and who are able to connect with you at the time of the reading. As an evidential medium, I will ask those in the spirit world to communicate evidential facts that will validate the continuity of life after the physical world. Besides describing what the person may have looked like here on the earth plane, I will also sense their individual personality, and ask them for as many details as possible such as birthday and anniversary dates, dates of passing, names, and maybe what kind of work they did here on the earth plane, objects they owned or where they lived, etc.. Sometimes one person will be connecting at the time of the reading, and sometimes many people from spirit will connect with you during the reading. My intention as an evidential medium is to work with those in the spirit world, asking for as much validation as possible so that it will leave no doubt in your mind that your loved one, or loved ones, have communicated with you from the spirit world.



1) When you contact me for a reading, I may ask you if you are looking to connect with someone who has passed. Because I work as a psychic and a medium, I want to be able to know how I can best serve you. In order to preserve the integrity of your reading, please just answer yes or no, and do not volunteer any other information regarding loved ones passed. It’s better that they provide you with that validation during the reading.

2) If you are wishing to connect with someone who is passed, sometimes it is helpful to think about the person or people in the spirit world before a reading. Thought is energy. Love is energy. The spirit world can sense your energy, and this can help to raise the vibration in making stronger connections possible.

3) If you are looking to connect with one specific individual in the spirit world, I cannot guarantee that they will come through in a reading. As a medium, I cannot “call people” to come and talk. To understand this better, think of the process of mediumship like two telephones. The telephone in the spirit world has a dial, and the telephone here in the physical world is only a receiver, without any dial. I can only receive the communication that the spirit world is willing to send at that given time. No medium can make that guarantee, and be aware of those that say otherwise.

4) Please have patience during a reading. I know that you are eager to connect with your loved ones, but sometimes others from spirit will come through first, (even pets) before the person you are looking to communicate with. Allow those other spirits the time to connect with you as well. They may have a message for another family member or neighbor or coworker that can be very healing to the person you relay the message to. It is an effort for the spirit to communicate, and their effort need to be acknowledged and respected.

5) Please take notes during a reading. There may be information presented during a reading that you are not aware of, or things you cannot remember at the time of a reading. I have received emails and phone calls weeks to months to years after a reading from clients who have validated information given after the reading has taken place.

6) Try to relax and put your mind at ease before a reading, and try to remain positive. Please discuss with me any concerns or apprehensions you may have prior to the reading. Please don’t be afraid to ask questions, whether it be about the process, or about the information given during a reading. Try not to have any expectations. Have an open mind, and look forward to an enlightening experience.

Do you have urgent questions concerning relationship, finances, career, business, health, etc ? I am now offering fifteen minute “short wait” sessions. “Short wait” sessions can usually be scheduled within the month, based on availability of these specially reserved schedule times. These scheduled times are for focusing on a particular area of your life, in which I will assist you by addressing your prepared list of questions. There is a small additional fee for this service, and more information is available by email or by telephoning the office. Please note that “short wait” sessions are exclusively for psychic sessions only, and do not include connections with loved ones passed.

Please use the handset of your telephone during your session.  Speakerphones are not allowed, due to the sound distortion and can effect the quality of your session as well as some blue tooth headsets. Do not have your session while driving or in your vehicle.  If these conditions are not met, then your session may be terminated without a refund. Having the correct environment and atmosphere for spiritual connections allows for the highest quality session. Please be sure to be prepared to have your session in a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for the length of your session.

To schedule an appointment with Joanne, or for current pricing and availability, please Contact Us.

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